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Your Company’s Significance: Promises Matter


Your Company’s Significance: Promises Matter

In order to grow your business, you need to know why it’s significant. This concept is far beyond a basic value proposition or simple slogan. You need to understand your company’s real, deep significance if you want to succeed. But while some business leaders will immediately think this means they need to pay more attention to their talking points or viability in the market, it doesn’t. Instead, it all boils down to the promises you make.

Your Cause

Think of your cause like your purpose. It’s the reason that your business was founded, and the driving force behind your team. When you do your job every day, consider what promise you’re making to customers – and the market. Is it bold and courageous? Or is weak and small? This promise is not the same as your marketing tag line. Think about it. When BMW came to the promise of producing the “Ultimate Driving Machine,” it was intended to inspire its engineers to create the best car they could with the tools they had. Needless to say, the cars they manufacture today are better than 10 years ago, so this promise was a bold one that has endured and stretched as it’s been continually challenged.

Many companies don’t know what their promise is so they struggle to define themselves. They can’t think of anything else, and so they settle on the promise of competing on price and delivery. Soon they start to think that their whole company is synonymous with the lowest price or fastest delivery. This is sad to see, because it’s incredibly shortsighted. Every company has more to offer and can have greater significance, if they start by proclaiming an ambitious promise.

Your Culture

Thinking past your products or services, you need to consider your internal environment. What is the promise you make to your team and employees? When we attract people to come work for us, do we hope they experience the rewards of a culture built around hard work, camaraderie and trust? Or are we holding our breaths, praying they don’t see our flaws, undefined goals and internal conflicts? Every business should aim to be proud of the quality of its personnel and culture. If you’re not prioritizing your team’s attitudes toward each other and proactively thinking about the promises you are making to them, it’s time to do so.

Your Company

And finally, take a look at your business from a big-picture view. As a leader, what are you most proud of about the company and how it’s being created? Do you feel like you are working among the best and striving to be your finest, or do you know in your heart you are holding back and not playing full out? This last point involves you performing somewhat of a temperature check on yourself. A good leader can see (and objectively evaluate) all aspects of his or her company at nearly all times. This is where you need to think about the promises you’re making to yourself, and to your business’ future – as well as what steps you’re taking to fulfill them.

So as you find yourself needing to define your business’ significance, first look at these three strategic promises that are necessary for supporting exponential growth. Ensure that you understand how the promises you make to the market, to your employees and to the leadership will ultimately decide your company’s success. If you make these big, bold and strategic, they will work together to align and direct an unstoppable trajectory.

Posted by Mike Toney / Posted on 17 Nov
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